- Except dread and freedom, Kierkegaard is concern about how innocence became guilty and sin.
- but it is a leap to explain it.
- thus there is two different approach to solve this problem.
- what is dread?
- it have three explanation:
- 1, “dread is the reality of freedom as possibility.” (p.101)
- 2, “dread is a sympathetic antipathy and an antipathetic sympathy.” (p.102)
- 3, “dread is the dizziness(失去平衡的) of freedom.” (p.105)
- “the possibility of freedom is not consist in being able to choose the good or the evil.” (p.104)
- “possibility means I can.” (p.104)
- this introduce the idea of choice. Either / Or.
- why dread is sympathetic antipathy and antipathetic sympathy? Why又愛又恨? Why so dialectical?
- the object of dread is nothing. Thus he said “language in this instance also is pregnant: it speaks of being in dread of nothing.” (p.102)
- Nothing show the freedom and responsibility.
- nothing is possible, thus can said to be freedom.
- freedom and responsibility can not be distinct.
- The concept of Responsibility is come from “that individual”. When making decision, the other possibility is loss.
- thus man love it due to dread show the possibility—freedom, and hate it due to dread bring back responsibility.
- because nothing is one of characteristic of the state of innocence.
- the state of innocence which is peace and repose, spirit is dreaming, and the most importance is “innocence is ignorance”.
- thus man is freedom, need to make decision, but he didn’t know how to make because he is ignorance.
- thus “he cannot flee from dread, for he love it; :really he does not love it, for he flees from it”.
- as “that individual” said, he is one of crowd and became guilty.